Greenmans Monthly Press 2 – 2024
Jenny har ordet
Hi everyone,
Warm spring breezes are mixed with the ice-cold winds of King Bore, and then a little snowfall on top of that. Fully snow-covered Japanese cherry blossom trees in full bloom are a very peculiar sight. March wasn’t a great month, neither in terms of sales nor weather-wise, and April seems to be following tradition. Valborg is approaching next week, and we’ll be closing at 3:00 PM.
Reduce, Reuse & Recycle—many of you have heard me play the song ”The 3 R’s” by Jack Johnson. I’m biased, but I think it’s a really good song. It was a mobile operator that used it in their advertising some years ago, but the message goes much deeper than ”3 is the magic number.” It’s about sustainable consumption, and the song has been used for educational purposes in English-speaking countries for children and young people. For example, bring your own bag to the store to reduce waste, borrow pants from
older siblings instead of buying new ones, recycle your garbage instead of throwing it away. Lately, a fourth R (Repair) has also been added.
These are not really news, but rather common sense. My grandfather and grandmother and many of your older relatives had a much more sustainable approach to consumption than we’ve seen in the last 20-30 years. As for our shared business, a clear example is when and why your customer are about to buy a new printer. In some cases, the customer’s feeling is that a new printer with starter toners is cheaper than buying a set of toners for their existing printer. That may be the case at first glance, but then the starter toners need to be replaced too.
On average, a printer is replaced after 40% of its lifespan, which is like paying for a whole lunch but throwing away more than half of it. Apply that mindset to your everyday life, and it soon feels quite absurd. Being able to continue using a more sustainable and also cheaper toner for a longer period with an existing printer compared to the cost the customer incurs during the same period with newly produced toners and a newly purchased printer is worth considering. Help your customers make sustainable and economical choices.
New product launches are on the way, thanks for your patience. It’s something that has been neglected, and I apologize for that. If you’re missing a product from us, please email, and we’ll add it to the list for wanted products.
In the next newsletter, I’ll tell you a little about what’s going on in the industry as I’ll be attending the ETIRA (European Toner & Inkjet Remanufacturers Association) meeting in a little over a month. Various firmware updates have had a negative impact on our part of the industry, resulting in the end customer’s freedom of choice not being as wanted when choosing consumables for their purchased printer. That and more is on the agenda. Now I sincerely hope that spring will get a good grip on our countries and that you all have a really nice end to the month of April.

April 22 – International Mother Earth Day

In 2009, the United Nations General Assembly decided that April 22nd would be observed annually as Mother Earth Day.
This day is commemorated to remind us that the Earth gives us life and sustenance. All species on Earth depend on the planet and its ecosystems for survival. If we don’t take care of our planet, it won’t be possible for us to live here.
The origin of this day dates back to the 1970s and was established by American Senator Gaylord Nelson to draw attention to the major environmental issues in the world. At that time, environmental protection was not a priority on the global agenda.
The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held in Stockholm in 1972, marked the beginning of global awareness of the interdependence between humans, other living species, and our planet.
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