Summergreatings from Greenman 2024
Midsummer Greetings from Greenman & Reminder that we are closed during week 29
Is it just me or did this spring fly by faster than usual? Midsummer and summerholidays are just around thecorner.
Thank you for the co-operation so far and we hope for an even better fall together with you.
The Greenman crew would like to wish you a lovely Midsummer & relaxing summer and also let you know that we are closing the office at 12 Swedish time on Thursday and Friday is also closed. To make sure your order is processed before Midsummer please send it to us before 10:30 on Thursday.
We also want to remind you that we are closed week 29, that is July 15-19th.
Take care, maybe you ́ll bask in the sun, go swimming, get some rest and time for recovery but most of all enjoy your summer the way you want to- we are all different and it ́s your summer 😊